May 20, 2016 the Mining-Geological Information system (MGIS) MineFrame was accepted as complying with requirements and included into the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases approved by the Russian Government decree №1236 “On prohibition against admittance of foreign-origin software for the purposes of central and local government procurement”, dated November 16, 2015.
    MGIS MineFrame is a modern software product aimed at complex solution of mining technology tasks. Long-term experience has shown that the MineFrame software is a suitable alternative to foreign MGIS products.         
     Inclusion of MGIS MineFrame into the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases is an important approval of a fact that in Russia there are and being developed scientific trends connected with mining software design.

    Dr.Sci. (Eng.) V.N. Zakharov (Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources RAS), Dr. Sci. (Eng.) V.L. Shkuratnik (NUST MISIS) and Dr. Sci. (Eng.) A.A. Kozyrev (Mining Institute KSC RAS) have been awarded by the prize named after N.V.Melnikov for works on theory and methodology of geoinformational provision for complex development of resources on the basis of geocontrol. Decision of the Presidium RAS, dated 29.03.2016 

    28-30 марта 2016 г. Институтом горного дела УрО РАН совместно с Горным институтом КНЦ РАН проведена  X Всероссийская молодежная научно-практическая конференция "Проблемы недропользования". Между институтами состоялся телемост.
    II-e Информационное сообщение
    III-e Информационное сообщение
    Регламент конференции
    Программа конференции

    Вышел из печати специальный выпуск 56 Горного информационно-аналитического бюллетеня «Глубокие карьеры» по материалам конференции, проведенной в институте 12-15 октября 2015 года
    Читать далее

    The monograph “Methodic aspects of analyzing technological information during drilling-and-blasting operations in open-pits” V.A.Fokin has been published. Edition data: Apatity: KSC RAS, 2015. – 133 p.

    The monograph “Ecology of underground nuclear energy facilities under cryolithic area conditions” by N.N.Melnikov, P.V.Amosov, N.V.Novozhilova and S.G.Klimin has been published. Edition data: Yaroslavl: JSC Printhouse – Yaroslavl, 2015. – 119 p. 

     Proceedings of the 6th Conference of young scientists “Geotechnology and mineral dressing” have been published. Edition data: Apatity: KSC RAS, 2015. – 100 p.  

    The Proceedings contain reports of young researchers on actual challenges in increasing efficient and safe mining industry, improvement of dressing technologies, automation of solving mining technological tasks and questions of modeling and studying of rock properties.
    The book can be of interest for scientists and researchers in mining.  

     The monograph “Optimization method for placing regulators in mine ventilation network” by S.A. Kozyrev, A.Osintseva, and P.V. Amosov has been published. Edition data: Germany: LAP LAMBERT, 2015. – 136 p.

     The Council of Young Scientists of the Mining Institute KSC RAS organizes the 7th conference of Young Scientists under the 5th International Conference “Mining industry of the Barents Euro-Arctic region: Looking into the future”, 18-20 November, 2015, Apatity, Russia.

     The monograph “Numerical modeling of processes of underground hydrosphere pollution on the example of a module containing hazardous waste” by N.N. Melnikov, P.V. Amosov, and N.V. Novozhilova has been published. Edition data: Germany: LAP LAMBERT, 2014. – 120 p. 

    Цифровые технологии в горном деле

